It's Monday. It's May 20. It's Everybody Draw Mohammed Day, which was a satirical invention of cartoonist Molly Norris, whose life was then subsequently destroyed and snuffed out by idolaters and their eager enablers who pretend they are liberals.
I am bringing back Mohammed Monday to the blog for one day with a handful of classic "Jesus and Mo" cartoons.
Showing posts with label Everybody Draw Muhammed Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Everybody Draw Muhammed Day. Show all posts
Monday, May 20, 2019
Friday, May 20, 2011
It's 'Everybody Draw Mohammed Day 2011'!
Why we draw:
And we'll keep drawing until they get the message. Click here for my 2011 ceremonial Mo-toon.
Death threats and actual murders are not an appropriate response mere words and scribbles on pieces of paper. If Muslims want the world to respect them and their all-precious Prophet, they need to behave like they are deserving of respect and they need to join in the condemnation of those who don't. Like, for example condemning in no uncertain terms those who issue death threats or commit mayhem and murder over "blasphemy against the Prophet" instead of making excuses for them.
And we'll keep drawing until they get the message. Click here for my 2011 ceremonial Mo-toon.
Death threats and actual murders are not an appropriate response mere words and scribbles on pieces of paper. If Muslims want the world to respect them and their all-precious Prophet, they need to behave like they are deserving of respect and they need to join in the condemnation of those who don't. Like, for example condemning in no uncertain terms those who issue death threats or commit mayhem and murder over "blasphemy against the Prophet" instead of making excuses for them.
It's 'Everybody Draw Mohammed Day 2011'!
Later today, I'll be posting some oldies-but-goodies I've been saving for Mohammed Mondays, but if you have original black-and-white Mo-toons you would like me to host, I'll be happy to put them up. Just send them to me as email attachments. You can also click here to see my contribution to this blessed day when sane people let blood-thirsty idol-worshipers know that they don't scare us, and that we don't subscribe to their belief that drawings of the Prophet Mohammed (may peas be upon him) have the power to corrupt the souls of human beings.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Mohammed Monday: Priorities
This is the last Monday of 2010, and the last of the weekly Mohammed Mondays. This feature will go to a whenever-the-mood-strikes-me --not because I care about offending Muslim Maniacs, and over-sensitives paranoiacs prone to hysterics, but because I have better things to do with my time than search for suitable cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed (may pizza be upon him).
Speaking of priorities, that's the subject of today's cartoon by Jennifer Armstrong.
This cartoon originally appeared here, in a post that also serves as a nice background piece on why Mohammed Monday exists. (The final trigger was the fact that Islamic terrorists forced Molly Norris to change her name and go underground.)
Speaking of priorities, that's the subject of today's cartoon by Jennifer Armstrong.
This cartoon originally appeared here, in a post that also serves as a nice background piece on why Mohammed Monday exists. (The final trigger was the fact that Islamic terrorists forced Molly Norris to change her name and go underground.)
Monday, December 13, 2010
Mohammad Monday: Correcting Islam's Image
Here's another sampling of the long-running strip "Jesus and Mo". I think there are "holy men" out there once again saying exactly what Mo is reporting, given the adherent of the Islamic Death Cult who failed at his attempted mass-murder in Stockholm this weekend.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Shaheed Sunday: Celebrating brave Jihadists!
You can read all about the glorious strike for the honor of Islam and the Prophet Mohammed (may peas be upon him) made yesterday in Sweden by clicking here.
And here are cartoons presented in celebration of this grand martyr's achievement (as well as providing another image of the Prophet Mohammed (may pinatas be upon him) in all his glory!
For images guarenteed suitable for all your idol-worshiping needs, be sure to stop by for Mohammed Mondays.
And here are cartoons presented in celebration of this grand martyr's achievement (as well as providing another image of the Prophet Mohammed (may pinatas be upon him) in all his glory!
For images guarenteed suitable for all your idol-worshiping needs, be sure to stop by for Mohammed Mondays.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Mohammed Monday: Coffee, the Nectar of Allah?
Here's a fun little cartoon from New Zealand's Brandon Wright in which he reveals the intimate relationship between coffee, Islam, and the Prophet Mohammed (may beans be upon him). Click to see it full size and read the text.
Coffee may be solid proof that Mohammed WAS indeed a prophet of some sort of divine entity... and that the divine black liquid drives his followers into frenzies both murderous and amorous, as it did Him, while it causes the sex drive and genitals of Christian men to wither.
This simple cartoon may explain why the Muslim population is exploding around the world (in any meaning you choose to take that) and Western populations are shrinking. Maybe the Mormons have it right--coffee is eeeeevil!
Or maybe the Prophet Mohammed was just a whack job, and British men had queer ways in the 17th century (in any meaning you choose to take that).
To see more Brandon's artwork, visit his website by clicking here.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Mohammed Monday: Silly Mo!
The cartoon below originally appeared on this blog as part of the international celebration of freedom of expression that was Everybody Draw Mohammed Day. It makes me wonder who is sillier... Mohammed or the idol-worshipers (the Mo-rons) who threaten to murder anyone who draws a picture of their false god.
For those new in these parts, Mohammed Mondays will continue at least through the end of 2010. It was started as a response to psychopathic Muslims and Mo-rons and their enablers in the American press forcing the lady who inspired Everybody Draw Mohammed Day into hiding. Click here for background information.
For those new in these parts, Mohammed Mondays will continue at least through the end of 2010. It was started as a response to psychopathic Muslims and Mo-rons and their enablers in the American press forcing the lady who inspired Everybody Draw Mohammed Day into hiding. Click here for background information.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Mohammed Monday:
The Joy of the Prophet Muhammad Painting
The Joy of the Prophet Muhammad Painting
Originally presented as part of the world-wide Everybody Draw Mohammed Day, this cartoon first appeared at It's a spoof of the famous Bob Ross "Joy of Painting" instructional television show and books. (And if more Muslims decided to exchange painting for their current hobbies of mayhem and murder, the world would be far, far better place.)
Monday, November 8, 2010
Monday, November 1, 2010
Mohammed Monday: Jesus and Mo
Here's another of my favorites from the long-running "Jesus and Mo" strip.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Mohammed Monday: Big Mo and Halloween
With his love of terror, gore, dismemberments, and beheadings, can there be any doubt that the Prophet Mohammed (may peas be upon him) would have LOVED Halloween?

And given that his modern-day followers love to dress up in all sorts of costumes, can there be any doubt that the Blessed Messenger of Allah would have celebrated October 31 with a costume of his own?
Monday, October 18, 2010
Mohammed Monday: Nightflight to Jerusalem
Today's act of soul-shattering blasphemy against the Prophet Mohammed (may peat be upon him) originally appeared at The Whited Sepulchre.
The drawing portrays Mohammed on his trip to Jerusalem, riding a flying horse with the face of an man. Yes... today's torrid act of base blasphemy depicts a bit of magical weirdness that you believe to be absolute truth if you are to be a good Muslim. Yet, somehow, when drawn and posted to a blog, it becomes BLASPHEMY!
If you want to know what motivates "Mohammed Mondays," click here. I intend to keep this going at least through the end of the year, because the only thing needed for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing (to paraphrase a good man). Submissions are welcomed.
The drawing portrays Mohammed on his trip to Jerusalem, riding a flying horse with the face of an man. Yes... today's torrid act of base blasphemy depicts a bit of magical weirdness that you believe to be absolute truth if you are to be a good Muslim. Yet, somehow, when drawn and posted to a blog, it becomes BLASPHEMY!
If you want to know what motivates "Mohammed Mondays," click here. I intend to keep this going at least through the end of the year, because the only thing needed for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing (to paraphrase a good man). Submissions are welcomed.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Mohammed Monday :
Who Is the Next Molly Norris?
Who Is the Next Molly Norris?
Click on the link. You'll find the "why" there.
And here's this week's cartoon. It was originally spotted at Always On Watch. It demonstrates how delusional the Mohammedan idolators are, even more than their own insane behavior does.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Mohammed Monday: Mo Goes for Coffee
Today's cartoon originally appeared at Daily Campello Art News.
The reason for "Mohammed Mondays" can be found in this post.
The reason for "Mohammed Mondays" can be found in this post.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Mohammed Monday: Women's Rights
Here's another dreaded cartoon of blasphemy. It originally appeared at Jesus and Mo.
The long-running "Jesus and Mo" cartoon strips have been collected in book form. Click here to see the listings at
If you would like to submit an original Mohammed cartoon to appear in this space, email it to me as a jpg or gif attachment. Your contribution will be as anonymous or as attributed as you choose.
(This week's post is dedicated to Imam Anwar al-Awlaki,
without whom this special series would never have happened.)
without whom this special series would never have happened.)
The long-running "Jesus and Mo" cartoon strips have been collected in book form. Click here to see the listings at
If you would like to submit an original Mohammed cartoon to appear in this space, email it to me as a jpg or gif attachment. Your contribution will be as anonymous or as attributed as you choose.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Welcome to the first Mohammed Monday
I explained the "why" of this here and here. I've been raging about Muslim assholes who think they can bully and threaten anyone who doesn't subscribe to their world-view and bizarre ideas of what is and isn't idolatry and blasphemy for some two decades now. I won't be stopping any time soon... unless I'm "disappeared" like artist Molly Norris.

The inaugural Mohammed Mondays cartoon is by South African editorial cartoonist Jonathan Shapiro, created as a commentary on "Everybody Draw Mohammed Day".
And if you're so inclined, you can spare me any mealy-mouthed lectures about the "moderate Muslims." I've been watching these fatwa-issuing freaks get bolder and more mainstream and more violent for the past twenty years. I've been watching Western media get more and more timid in the face of their threats. If the "moderate Muslims" haven't done anything to stop them by now, they're not going to.
If you feel inclined to submit a cartoon for inclusion in a future Mohammed Mondays post, you can send it as an attachment to the email address in my profile. But please know that I won't put up any cartoons that depict Mohammed as a pig or a pile of dung or any such thing. I may not buy into the idol-worshiping beliefs of what the news tells me are all Muslims, but I also don't feel the need to pass along stupid stuff like that. (Oh, and a further requirement is that the cartoon must be in black-and-white... although I would imagine that probably didn't need to be said, given the nature of this blog.)

The inaugural Mohammed Mondays cartoon is by South African editorial cartoonist Jonathan Shapiro, created as a commentary on "Everybody Draw Mohammed Day".
And if you're so inclined, you can spare me any mealy-mouthed lectures about the "moderate Muslims." I've been watching these fatwa-issuing freaks get bolder and more mainstream and more violent for the past twenty years. I've been watching Western media get more and more timid in the face of their threats. If the "moderate Muslims" haven't done anything to stop them by now, they're not going to.
If you feel inclined to submit a cartoon for inclusion in a future Mohammed Mondays post, you can send it as an attachment to the email address in my profile. But please know that I won't put up any cartoons that depict Mohammed as a pig or a pile of dung or any such thing. I may not buy into the idol-worshiping beliefs of what the news tells me are all Muslims, but I also don't feel the need to pass along stupid stuff like that. (Oh, and a further requirement is that the cartoon must be in black-and-white... although I would imagine that probably didn't need to be said, given the nature of this blog.)
Friday, September 17, 2010
Cartoonist Molly Norris eradicated by terrorists
Muslim terrorists and those desperate to appease them rather than confront them have successfully eradicated Molly Norris.
Seattle cartoonist Molly Norris goes into hiding after death threat over 'Draw Mohammed Day' -
I believe it is time for me to institute "Mohammed Mondays" on this blog. This can't be allowed to stand.
Let's get this party started. (Yeah, it's Friday, but there's no time like the present when it comes to glorious images of the Prophet Mohammed (may piss be upon him).
(Originally appeared on Irregular Times, Feb. 28, 2006, in an editorial that demonstrates both the insanity of Muslim idolaters and the craven cowardice their accomplices in the press.)
Seattle cartoonist Molly Norris goes into hiding after death threat over 'Draw Mohammed Day' -
I believe it is time for me to institute "Mohammed Mondays" on this blog. This can't be allowed to stand.
Let's get this party started. (Yeah, it's Friday, but there's no time like the present when it comes to glorious images of the Prophet Mohammed (may piss be upon him).

Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Appeasement Doesn’t Work
In case you haven't heard, Seattle-based artist Molly Norris is under death threat from the worshipers of Mohammed--for NOT drawing their idol. Although she sparked the "Everybody Draw Mohammed Day" idea, she disavowed it when OTHERS made it a reality, and she did everything she could to apologize for expressing an idea, short of offering to pay for the gay sex the mullahs and members of al-Qaeda so desperately crave.
You know... she apologized left, right, and center for something that Americans should consider one of our inalienable right. The free and open expression of ideas.
Novelist Edward Cline has written a column at Big Hollywood on the matter: Appeasement Doesn’t Work--Fatwa Issued Against ‘Draw Mohammed Day’ Cartoonist
As for me, as promised, here's a Mohammed cartoon, in observance of the latest Mo-toon controversy.

(This cartoon from 2005 was the first installment in the weekly adventures of Bestest Prophet Pals, Jesus and Mo. You can see many more of them at
You know... she apologized left, right, and center for something that Americans should consider one of our inalienable right. The free and open expression of ideas.
Novelist Edward Cline has written a column at Big Hollywood on the matter: Appeasement Doesn’t Work--Fatwa Issued Against ‘Draw Mohammed Day’ Cartoonist
As for me, as promised, here's a Mohammed cartoon, in observance of the latest Mo-toon controversy.

(This cartoon from 2005 was the first installment in the weekly adventures of Bestest Prophet Pals, Jesus and Mo. You can see many more of them at
Thursday, May 20, 2010
It's 'Everybody Draw Mohammed Day'!
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