The Eiffel Tower has now stood for 133 years, longer than many structures that were supposed to be permanent. You can read about the construction and history of the tower by clicking here... or you can just enjoy the pictures.
A place where everything is
in black & white
It's probably because I'm old, but I have never understood why Justin Bieber appeals to ANYONE. His music is lame, his public persona waffles between imbicilic and obnoxious, and when he grew that mustache he looked hilarious! But... he has things I don't have--like a ton of money, a ton of adoring fans (many of whom seem to tack -atic upon their fan-status), and a photo-model wife, fellow show-business lifer Hailey Bieber (formerly Baldwin).
In January of 2021, Bieber released a love song devoted to his wife Hailey. As is the case with almost every Justin Bieber song I've heard, I can't say I loved it. The video is also a curious one. I can't quit get a read on whether it's supposed to invoke home movies (which seems likely) or if it's supposed to give us the feeling that Bieber is observing the love of his life when she's not aware he's looking.
Whichever the case, Hailey Bieber is very photo model-y throughout, having a sultry/surly air about her that she'd rather be doing anything than what THIS is. There are some rare glimpses of her seeming natural and even smiling a bit, but, all in all, I think the video misses the mark a bit; Justin may love this more than anything and anyone, but she may not feel that way about him. (The fact it's shot in the desert Southwest of the U.S. also doesn't exactly scream "flourishing romance" to me.)
Although this Bieber/Bieber video stirred some nostalgic feelings in me about time I spent some time with a girlfriend in similar locations when I was in my 20s, I find the relationship portrayed in this similar-themed John Legend video and song ("All of Me") far more appealing.
Is there a Justin Bieber fan out there who can tell me what I'm missing when it comes to his popularity? And perhaps someone can even tell me if I'm offbase in how I view the music video below.
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