Showing posts with label Simone Simon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Simone Simon. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

D20 Cat People

The basics of the Cat People can be found in this post (in which they were revealed to be stalking Shades of Gray favorite Milla Jovovich). This post expands on some of that information while providing rules for creating Cat People player characters in d20 System games.
   The material in this post was inspired by the classic films "Cat People" (1942) and "Curse of the Cat People (1944), and the not-so-classic "Cat People" (1982).

Cat People lobby display from 1942

All text in this post from this point forward is released under the Open Game License. It may be produced in accordance with the terms described in the license. Copyright 2021 Steve Miller.)

Who are the Cat People?
They are whatever fits best into the GM's campaign (or as determined by these tables), but, in general, they are an ancient species of beings that are closely related to Humans and who have lived among us since before the dawn of recorded history. They appear Human generally, but they are often able to change into either the form of a great cat and/or a humanoid form with feline characteristics. If they are to be used as player characters, they should not all be hostile toward humanity... although it's possible that a player character with Cat People blood may not know of his or her true nature initially.

Creating Cat People Characters
Cat People characters are generated in the same fashion as Humans in your preferred d20 System variant, with the following changes:
   Racial Bonus: When created, Cat People characters gain ability bonuses of +2 Dexterity and +2 Charisma. They are naturally agile and can project an aura of friendliness (or the opposite) when they want to.
    Starting Feats: Cat People characters must choose Blood of the Cat People (see "New Feats and Talents", below). Additionally, the character must choose one of the following as the second feat: Acrobatics,  Alertness, Athletic, Agile, Blind Fight, Confident, Deceptive, Favored of Bast, Jump, or Run.
   Special Ability: Cat People have the inborn ability to shape change from their human form into either the shape of a panther, or a humanoid with feline features. They must learn how to use this ability, however. Mastering their shapeshifting abilities is represented by a talent tree, Cat People Forms. (See below.)

Simone Simon in "Cat People"

The following feats and talents are unique to the Cat People.

Cat People characters have access to the Cat People group of feats through the started feat Blood of the Cat People. They may select  one of these feats in place of feats and bonus feats gained from classes and level advancement.

Existing Feats
The following feats from the base rulebook are part of the Cat People group. In addition to the new feats listed below, they may also select feats from the following list: Acrobatics,  Alertness, Athletic, Agile, Blind Fight, Confident, Deceptive, Improved Initiative, Jump, Lucky, and Run.

New Feats
The following new feats are part of the Cat People group.

Blood of the Cat People [Starting Feat Only]
You are one of the Cat People. Whether or not you are aware of your true nature and heritage, the blood of an ancient race blessed by the goddess Bast herself, runs through your veins.
   Benefit: The character has an affinity for felines and gains a +4 bonus to any skill rolls involving felines.
   Special: The character gains access to feats of the Cat People feat group. These feats may be selected whenever the character would gain feats through level advancements or class bonuses, and may be chosen in place of feats prescribed in class descriptions. The character must still meet any prerequisites to qualify for the feat.

Danger Sense [General, Cat People]
You have an uncanny ability for sensing trouble just before it strikes.
   Benefit: The character gains a +2 bonus to all Sense Motive and Spot skill checks.

Favored of Bast [Cat People]
The patron of the Cat People has looked favorably upon you, and she has granted you a special talent.
   Prerequisite: Blood of the Cat People feat
   Benefit: Gain a +4 bonus to all d20 rolls made in an effort to help, defend, or advocate for otherwise defenseless beings. The character also gains a +2 bonus to Sense Motive and Spot checks.

Feline Affinity [Cat People]
You have a particular way with cats of all kinds.
   Prerequisite: Blood of the Cat People feat
   Benefit: By taking a full round action and making a successful Charisma check (DC12), the character turns felines with Intelligence scores of 1-3 friendly towards him and neutral toward allied characters. He can influence a number felines equal to his Charisma bonus. The creatures remain calmed for the duration of the encounter with them, or until they are attacked by the character or his allies. Targeted felines must be within 30 feet of the character, and they must be able to see him under normal visibility conditions.
   Special: When selecting this feat, you gain a +4 bonus to Handle Animal skill checks involving felines.

Lucky [Cat People]
You lead a charmed life.
   Prerequisite: One attribute above 12
   Benefit: Once per game session, you may declare a single attack roll, skill check, or saving throw that faled to be a success. The success is never a critical.
Special: This feat can be replaced with "The Reports of My Death..." under the right circumstances. See "The Reports of My Death..." for more details.

Shadow Meld [Fast Hero, Cat People]
You can use even the slightest shadow to "hide in plain sight."
   Prerequisite: Hide 6 ranks, Move Silently 6 ranks
   Benefit: When in an area that features at least some shadow, the character gains a +8 bonus to Hide skill checks.

"The Reports of My Death..." [Cat People]
You were dead... but you got better!
   Benefit: If the character dies (reduced below -10 hit points, disintegrated, blown to tiny bits, lost and drowned at sea, eaten by rabid weasels--any death, no matter how mundane or terrible), this feat allows them to instantly return from the dead. The character reappears somewhere out of harm's way, with 1/4 of his or her hit points and a semi-plausible explanation of how he or she survived (the GM or player may invent something).
   The feat can only be used once. After the character has miraculously (perhaps literally) escaped death, the feat must be replaced by one of the following (with all prerequisites needing to be met): Attentive, Cautious, Dodge, Lucky, Never Say Die
   Special: There is no benefit from this feat until the character dies. If the character possesses the Lucky feat, the character can replace it with this feat after he or she is killed, essentially getting a two-for-one on rising from the dead.
If the character replaces this feat with Lucky, the cycle can repeat itself.

Simone Simon in "Cat People" (1942)

The talents on the "Cat People Forms" tree represent the mastery the Cat People may develop over their shape changing abilities. The talents on the "Chosen of Bast" tree are gained by Cat People who have been tasked to be her agents on Earth--and they may eventually gain completely immortality.

Cat People Forms
The Cat People are born with the ability to change between a human form, a feline animal form, and a humanoid hybrid feline/human form. Changing between forms is a conscience effort and one that takes practice, physical strength, and mental focus to do. 
   Clothing and equipment does not transform with the character. It may be dropped or torn during a transformation.
   If one of the Cat People falls unconcious or goes to sleep while either in the animal or hybrid form, he or she reverts to his or her human body within 1d4 hours.
   Unlike lycanthropes, if one of the Cat People is killed in animal or hybrid form, he or she does not revert to their human body. 
   Great Cat Form: As a full round action, and with a successful Willpower check (DC11), the character may switch to or from human to animal form--specifically, the form of a panther. If the check fails, the character may attempt to transform again the following round.
   When in animal form, the character gains all the abilities, attributes and qualities of a panther (one of the Great Cats, click here for rules details) with the following adjustments: The character retains his or her base saving throw modifiers (unless the animal form provides better ones), class abilities, and benefits and bonuses gained from feats and talents. The character also retains his or her hit points (unless the basic animal form provides better hit points), as well as his or her Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma attribute scores. Some class abilities, feats, and talents are not usable in animal form; common sense should easily allow GMs and players to determine what those are.
   With the GM's permission, the character's cat form may appear different than a panther==and may even conform stat-wise to one of the other great cats--but it remains the same for each transformation once specified.
   Prerequisite: Blood of the Cat People feat
   House Cat Form: As a full round action, and with a successful Willpower check (DC11), the character may switch to or from human to animal form--specifically the form of a black house cat. If the check fails, the character may attempt to transform again the following round.
   When in animal form, the character gains all the abilities, attributes and qualities of a small feline, typically referred to as a "house cat" (click here for rules details), with the following adjustments: The character retains his or her base saving throw modifiers, class abilities, and benefits and bonuses gained from feats and talents (unless the animal form provides better ones). The character also retains his or her hit points, as well as his or her Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma attribute scores. Some class abilities, feats, and talents are not usable in animal form; common sense should easily allow GMs and players to determine what those are.
   With the GM's permission, the character's house cat form may appear differently than described, but it remains the same for each transformation once a look has been settled upon.
   Prerequisite: Blood of the Cat People feat
   Hybrid Form: As a full round action, and with a successful Willpower check (DC15), the character may switch to or from human to a hybrid human/animal form that is humanoid with feline characteristics. If the check fails, the character may attempt to transform again the following round.
   While in hybrid form, the character retains all his or her base attribute scores, saving throw modifiers, class abilities, and benefits and bonuses gained from feats and talents. The hybrid from grants the following advantages, all of which stack with any other similar bonuses: +2 to Strength attribute; +4 to Dexterity attribute; Lowlight Vision; Natural Weapon--Bite attack, +4 melee, damage 1d4+3; +4 skill ranks to Balance, Climb, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, and Spot.
   Prerequisite: Great Form talent

Chosen By Bast
You have felt the touch of Bast upon you and you have been blessed with near-immortality.
   Unaging: The character remain the age at which this talent is selected talent. The character can still be aged by extraordinary, magical or supernatural effects, but . Further, you no longer need food or drink to survive, although you still feel hunger and thirst.
   Prerequisite: Favored of Bast feat
   Immunity: Select a type of damage from the following list. You are immune to all damage of that type. Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, Piercing, Poison/Venom, Magic.
   This talent can be selected more than once. Each time it is chosen, a different immunity must be specified.
   Prerequisite: Unaging talent.

Cat People (1942) promotional art

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