Showing posts with label comics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label comics. Show all posts

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Sunday Funnies!

 From the Golden Age of the Underground Comix, we present this little gem by R. White!

By R. White, originally presented in "Nobody's Bizness Funnies"

(Originally printed in the pages of Nobody's Bizness Funnies #1)

Sunday, February 18, 2024

It's the Sunday Funnies!

This strip (by Hansen) dates from the early 1970s, yet it could have been drawn today. Have things gotten worse or has crime always been out of control?

From "Nobody's Bizness Funnies" #1 (1972)

Click for a larger, more easily readable version. (It originally appeared in Nobody's Bizness Funnies, 1972.)

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

The Culture Corner: Where Generations Meet

There's been much made of the Generation Gap that exists between Millennials and Boomers. This blog is produced by Gen-Xers, and we think we've found the perfect vehicle to stop the slings and arrows and cheap shots that are being flung back and forth by the generations to either side of us--and the even younger generation!

Today, we're introducing a new feature to the blog--The Culture Corner! It's helpful tips for making your life go smoother and getting along with those around you, no matter what generation you are. We're certain that the universality of the content in this series will show all generations that they have more in common than they have differences. We're equally certain that the series host and writer C.K. Conk will swiftly come to be a trusted source of advice for everyone. As an official Queer Old Coot, he embodies something that each of the warring generations can appreciate and claim ownership of and support for,

We're presenting The Culture Corner in comic strip format, because comics is something that's enjoyed and understood by all, from Boomers to Zoomers and beyond. The art will be by legendary cartoonist Basil Wolverton. (Click on any panel for a larger, more easily read version of the strip.)

Culture Corner,

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Sometimes, you have a really, really bad day...

If you think things are going wrong for you, this might help put things in perspective. Click on any panel for a larger, more easily read version.

(This tale of extremely bad luck can be read in its entirely in "The Three Lives of Fantomah: Mystery Woman of the Jungle" from NUELOW Games.)

Monday, August 28, 2023

Things You Should Know (from your friends at Shades of Gray)

 Because we care about the safety of our readers, we are beginning a new series of informative posts.

About banshees, by Lou Morales

And since this is Monday, here's a music video for a song themed with today's illustrated information. (Don't be frightened by the splashes of color!)