Showing posts with label Dancers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dancers. Show all posts

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Happy birthday to Sylvie Guillem

Today is the 60th birthday of celebrated French dancer Sylvie Guillem.

Sylvie Guillem

At a young age, Guillem proved herself as a talented gymnast, but when she was 11 her true talent--dancing--was noted by her parents and by famed ballerina and dance instructor Claude Bessy. Although Guillem stated that she initially hated dancing and preferred gymnastics, she soon discovered that she loved performing for the public and by the age of 16, she was locked into a trajectory of success and international celebrity.

Sylvie Guillem
Sylvie Guillem

Guillem rose swiftly through the ranks of performers, and she was soon dancing the lead roles in every production she had a part in. During the 1980s and into the early 1990s, she was the principal dancer for renowned companies such as the Paris Opera Ballet and the Royal Ballet in London. 
Sylvie Guillem
Sylvie Guillem

By the mid-1990s, at the height of her fame as a ballerina, Guillem turned her talent toward modern dance, and her reputation as one of the world's greatest dancers only continued to grow.

Sylvie Guillem
Sylvie Guillem

Shortly after her 50th birthday, Guillem embarked on a dance tour that would see her perform on stages from Great Britain to Japan. Then, in November of 2015, she retired from dancing and public life.

Monday, August 19, 2024

The Liberation of Paris

 Eighty years ago today, the German troops occupying the French capital of Paris surrendered and it was the Allies' turn to march down the boulevard toward the Arc de Triomphe.

Katie Boren photographed by Dane Shitagi


Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Times are changing

For the past few decades, trolls have increasingly been moving from their traditional lairs below bridges and into basements and coffee shops with free WiFi so they can go online. Meanwhile, there are empty spaces left under bridges and ballerinas and other dancers have been leaping at the chance to fill those voids.

But are they going to be successful in the role of bridge trolls?

MacKenzie Richter
Misty Copeland
Courtney Levine


Wednesday, July 10, 2024

How Hot Is It? (Ballerina Edition)

It's so hot that Katie Boren can only sit in the shade while she tries to get up the energy to dance into the stream...

Ballerina Katie Boren

... Sally is unable to move from this shady bench...

... Alexis might be melting...

... and the result of Juliet's lunch of baked beans and cabbage is colder than the air around her!

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Health Tip from the Shades of Gray Dancers

"Staying hydrated is important whether you're a dancer, a couch potato, or something in between. From our blood system carrying oxygen and nutrients to cells, to keeping the kidneys functioning properly, fluid in the body is vital. And hydration equals fluid. H2O, dontcha know? Hydration also lubricates our joints and eyes, helps our digestive system function and keeps our skin healthy. And if you're going on a weeklong boozing-bender, staying hydrated lets you keep going and might make the hangovers not as bad."

This post was brought to you in recognition of National Hydration Day. Stay sated, my friends.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

The Longest Day...

Dancer and Shadow

... of 2024 is today! And the Shades of Gray Dancers are celebrating the official beginning of summer!




Monday, April 29, 2024

It's International Dance Day!

It's that day again where we celebrate the grace and beauty of dancers.

Cyd Charis
Brigitte Bardot


 Dancers sacrifice a great deal for their craft. Some of them spend so much time on their feet, dancing, that they forget how to properly sit down.



And then there are those who dance so much they forget how to walk properly.


But we appreciate that they are willing to go through such grueling workouts and difficult lifestyle... and we are thankful for all that they give us. Especially on April 29 for the Shades of Gray picture show!


 Meanwhile, Bianca Scaglione was running majorly late, but still put in an appearance!

Bianca Scaglione

(And you can pass the time between now and next International Dance Day by watching the fun videos on Bianca's YouTube Channel. Things are in color over there, but don't be frightened!)

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

The Bardot Quarterly

International Dance Day is almost here! And Brigitte Bardot is getting ready early this year!

Brigitte Bardot

 She knows she's going to appear on Shades of Gray in half-a-dozen or so posts this year, so she knows there will be more people watching than usual in these parts. She's practicing extra hard and studying the routines, so she can make the best possible impression on visitors!

Brigitte Bardot

Um... maybe we spoke too soon. But at least she'll be driving home the unifying theme of the blog today!
Brigitte Bardot