Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Exodus: When God Layeth Down the Law

Moses and the Ten Commandments, by Paul Gulacy
Half a century later, there has yet to be made a more impressive Biblical movie than Cecile B. DeMille's "The Ten Commandments". It also remains one of the most successful Hollywood remakes of all time, being the second movie version of the Book of Exodus from the Old Testament that De Mille helmed; the first being a 1923 almost-as-grand silent version.

Is there a better way to celebrate Passover/Easter than to watch this great classic movie? (Well, except perhaps reading the original Old Testament story upon which it was based and taking part in various religious observances as your faith might dictate? I suppose either of THOSE might be better ways... but it's a great movie!)


  1. That's a great illustration. Love it. It's nice to know that the ABC network is still airing the movie. I wonder how long they are going to keep airing before some hotshot exec pulls it from the lineup for being "too religious" and decides its offensive to atheists.

  2. Wow... Super Moses. I wonder what "belief" Gulacy is involved in?

  3. Leesa: I don't know how one would tell from a drawing, especially one made by a commercial artist.
