Tuesday, March 22, 2022

The feeling of 'love at first sight' captured on film

Nuit Blanche (2009)
Starring: Michael Coughlan and Megan Lindley
Director: Arev Manoukian
Rating: Nine of Ten Stars

Stray glances during a chance encounter leads to love at first sight between a man (Coughlan) and a woman (Lindley) in the Big City.

Megan Lindsey and Michael Coughlan in "Nuit Blanche"

"Nuit Blanche" is a film that's equal parts romantic, spooky, and startling. It's also the most beautiful and moving short film you're likely to see today, this week, or perhaps even the rest of this year. The music, the cinematography, and the astonishing amounts of visual effects are all perfect... and the only reason I'm not giving this great film a rating of Ten is that I feel like they didn't quite pull off the ending. Still--I am giving it the highest Nine Rating possible.

Click below to watch this mini masterpiece... and feel free to sound off in the comments if you think I steered you wrong. (Or, better yet, add your own praise for the film)

Trivia: The film's title is a French idiom that means "Sleepless Night", although a literal translation is "White Night" so the title could also be a pun on this being a black and white film.

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