Saturday, February 5, 2022

A plotless collection of winter sports jokes

Cracked Ice (1927)
Starring: No one; it's a completely silent cartoon
Director: Paul Terry
Rating: Five of Ten Stars

Cartoon animals frolic in a winter wonderland--sledding, skiing, ice skating... you name it, they do it. Meanwhile, their keeper tries to maintain order and safety.

"Cracked Ice" is an offering from the proto-Van Beuren animation department, back when it was run by Paul Terry. It was originally an entry in the long-running "Aesop's Fables" series.

Whether it's signs of things to come, or evidence that John Foster, Vern Stallings, and the rest were carrying on a grand tradition is hard for me to say... but this is the most plotless, nonsensical cartoon I've discovered among the offerings from the Van Beuren Corporation and related operations. It's devoid of any semblance of plot, and I just deleted a paragraph from this post that talked about all the things in this cartoon that don't make any sense. Why? Because as I was typing, I realized that I was faulting a cartoon featuring a skiing hippo and ice skating cats for including things that didn't make sense.

One critique I am going to let stand is that this early Van Beuren release contains another mainstay of many of their offerings: Sometimes they don't know when to move on from a gag. There are couple bits in "Cracked Ice" that start funny or cute but are then dragged out to the point of becoming tedious. Thankfully, it's the minority, but the trend for the next decade seems to be getting established here.

My customary teaser summary at the top of this review isn't just a teaser here--it relates everything that's contained in the cartoon (except the particulars of the gags). If you're in the mood for cartoon animals being goofy in the winter-time, you should watch the cartoon embedded below. One thing's for sure--it's as entertaining as anything you're going to see from the Winter Olympics.

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