Tuesday, February 8, 2022

A great effort with serious flaws

Killing Time (2010)
Starring: John Carlin and Zander Riggs
Director: Phil Baumhardt
Rating: Six of Ten Stars

A young man (Carlin) sits alone in a room, waiting...

"Killing Time" is a short film that resulted from a student project, but it's very impressive. I really like the lighting (even if it's a little on the dark side), the use of sound, the placement of the camera. All-in-all, it does a great job in capturing the film noir mood and style.

Except for a couple minor details.

Usually, when I post student films I come across during my trawling through YouTube, I don't get too critical of them--they're student films for crying out loud, so if I'm impressed or amused, I leave it at that! There's generally no point in nitpicking them: If I think they're worth the time of the visitors to the blog, they're good enough, period. 

In the specific case of "Killing Time", the flaws break the illusion Phil Baumhardt was going for with such force that it almost ruined the whole thing for me. Still, the overall effort is good enough that I think it's worth checking out... even if you have to click through to YouTube to do so. (And if you do... maybe you can spot the flaws that I did. If you do, let me know if you think I'm being too critical.)

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