Showing posts with label 2010s. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2010s. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

The Art of Gorilla Warfare

From "Gorilla Warfare" (2014)

A few months ago, I said that you don't find many straight-up art films posted here at Shades of Gray, nor even reviews of them. But here I am again, posting an art film for you to take a look at. It's also a student film, made at the University of Toledo in 2014.

I found "Gorilla Warfare" fascinating and it kept my attention from the opening scene through the end credit. A single quick Google search did not reveal any signs that the creator of "Gorilla Warfare", Kate Crowley, is working in the film or as either an editor, cinematographer, or director--although what I assume to be her Twitter account is restricted, so she might be. I certainly hope she is, because there's a lot of talent on display in this film.

From "Gorilla Warfare" (2014)

Take a few minutes (4 to be exact) to watch "Gorilla Warfare" and let me know if you find it to be as fascinating as I did.

Gorilla Warfare (2014)
Starring: Kara Cronley
Director: Kate Cronley
Rating: Eight of Ten Stars

Monday, October 11, 2021

Musical Monday with Green Day

Green Day in "Back in the USA"

Green Day released "Back in the U.S.A." in 2017 with a neat video that pays homage to the great John Carpenter sci-fi/horror flick "They Live" (1988). Sadly, the commentary provided in the video is twice as true now than it was under the government at that time, even if it's no longer hip and cool to run around and scream about how much you're #Resisting.

Take a few minutes to kick of the work-week with some fine music and an excellent video. In addition to just being fun, it makes great use of the gimmick of turning the black-and-white presentation to color.

Back in the USA (2017)
Starring: Billie Joe Armstrong, Kimberly Cimino, Tre Cool, and Mike Dirnt
Directors:  Brendan Walter and Greg Yagolnitzer
Rating: Nine of Ten Stars

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

'Blood Highway' is a glimpse of something good

Blood Highway (2017)
Starring: Herlin Navarro, Kevin O. Peterson, Jack Shipley, Lily Rebecca Ramras, Kyla Geyer, Scott Sederquist, and Eddie Ascolillo
Director: Joseph Dwyer
Rating: Seven of Ten Stars

A pair of guns-for-hire (Peterson and Navarro) take revenge on a mad scientist (Shipley) and his psychotic hirelings (Sederquist and Ascolillo) as a zombie outbreak is spreading across the nation.

Kevin O. Peterson and Herlin Navarro in "Blood Highway"

"Blood Highway" feels more like an excerpt from a longer movie than an actual short film. It seems to assume we have knowledge of the relationships between various characters, and there are stray references that are beyond what is reasonable even for an extreme in media res approach to story telling. Further, there's no discernable end to the story being told here; the encounter is resolved, but the main characters go stumbling off down the road with literal Hell at their heels,  three different subplots are begun during it, and there's one that seems left over from before the start of the film that remains open. Plus--the one highway in the film that doesn't seem particularly bloody.

All that said, what we have a sample of here looks like it could be a really good movie with a vibe that's best described as a cross between a gritty crime drama and horror film from the 1960s--as if Mario Bava had directed a George Romero-style zombie movie--with a John Carpenter/Goblins-esque electronic score. (That said, the film is clearly supposed to be set in modern day, since there are a couple kids posting pictures of themselves online using their smart phones.)

Sadly, although "Blood Highway" seems like a teaser for something yet to come that "something" does not appear to be anywhere in our future. (Even this webpage feels like there's more, but there isn't.) 

Take a few minutes to check out the film right now. It's bound to put you in the mood for more zombies!

Monday, October 4, 2021

Musical Monday with Tarzan, Baltimora & Adele

Tarzan by Russ Manning

Tarzan first appeared in the pages of All-Story magazine in October of 1912. We're celebrating that historic event with "Tarzan and Rain" by The Reborn Identity, a mash-up video and song using clips from a Tarzan film and the works of Baltimora and Adele. (It also happens to be the 10th anniversary of the release of "Tarzan and Rain" this year.)

Friday, September 17, 2021

Firearms Friday with Nicki Minaj

Firearms Friday is returning, because the online mobs and even the Biden Administration and their lackeys in the media are on the warpath against Nicki Minaj.

Rapper/songwriter Nicki Minaj recently incurred the wrath of the Mask Cultists and the Covid-19 fear-mongers because she had the AUDACITY to say that she has chosen to not get a Covid-19 vaccination. She laid out the reasons why (Some of which were pretty stupid but others which were perfectly sensible), but she but also said she was not opposed in any way to others get vaccinated, and that she even encouraged it. 

But that didn't matter. She failed to properly mouth the mantra of the Mask Cult and of the totalitarians who are using the pandemic to stoke fear, sow division, and do everything they can to break what little spirit us peasants have left. Unlike many other celebrities who have drawn the ire of the Outrage Brigades and Covid Cultists, she has stood her ground and fired back.

I can't claim to be a fan of Minaj; I can't even claim that I like her music. But I appreciate and respect her spirit and her willingness to be herself and say "screw you" to all of those in the media, in business, and in the streets who are bending over backwards to satisfy the demands of naked tyrants as they march us all toward totalitarianism.

And she didn't even set out to do that. She just wanted to be herself. And there are all sorts of media figures and Twitter-led outrage mobs who have gone out of their way to lie about what she said and did. The lies have even come from the Biden White House; disagreement with the Dear Leader and the Cult of Covid cannot be tolerated. I'm if they could get away with treating public figures the government doesn't like, they would do so. In fact, based on the behavior of the online mobs, they would probably love to be able to to do someone like Minaj like the Chinese government did to actress Shuang Zheng and LITERALLY cancel her.

But that's probably coming here soon enough. For now, they must satisfy themselves with trying to destroy Minaj's image with her fans and otherwise ruin her.

The video featured below is very fitting for this revival of the Firearms Friday, as is the whole current "controversy" involving Minaj since it let's this post be about several items covered by the Bill of Rights. 

The video for "Lookin Ass" is full of interesting (and sexy) visuals, and it's well worth checking out. While it didn't make me a fan of Minaj, maybe you'll discover her music is to your liking. At the very least, Minaj may get a few fractions of pennies via royalties and/or license fees. (Just DON'T watch it at work or around anyone who is easily offended; it could turn out badly.)

Nicki Minaj with guns

Lookin Ass (2014)
Starring: Nicki Minaj
Director: Nabil Elderkin
Rating: Seven of Ten Stars

Monday, August 23, 2021

Musical Monday with The Kooks

The Kooks

The Kooks are a British indie rock band who's been around since ca. 2004, with Luke Pritchard and Hugh Harris being the group's lead performers, and only remaining founding members. Pritchard is also the primary lyricist and composer for all the band's songs.

Today's offering is a song and an amusing and sexy video in support of their 2014 album "Listen".

Interestingly, there was a Swedish band that also went by the name of The Kooks and also played indie rock. They broke up in 2002, however, so that could be why no one's gotten sued? 

Monday, August 9, 2021

Musical Monday With The Interrupters

The Interrupters

We interrupt your Monday to bring you the Interrupters, a four-piece ska band that's been playing and touring since 2011. "She's Kerosene" is from their 2018 album "Fight the Good Fight" and it's their greatest hit so far. This is their second appearance here at Shades of Gray.

Watch the video. Get pumped for the week that lies ahead.

Ska makes everything better. We now return you to your regularly scheduled week.

Monday, July 26, 2021

Musical Monday with Leslie Grace

Leslie Grace

 Last week, it was announced that singer/actress Leslie Grace has been cast as Batgirl in an upcoming movie. We'd never heard of her until now, but a little research showed that one of her songs features a video that's a perfect Musical Monday selection: It's a 1950s retro video for a modern romantic song. In black-and-white, of course.

Monday, July 19, 2021

Musical Monday with Lykke Li

Lykke Li, Live from the Moon!

Experts in such matters as Ancient Aliens, the Greys, and Lizard People claim that ten years ago, in 2011,  singer Lykke Li, two musicians, and a film crew were sent to the Moon where Lykke Li and the musicians performed a concert. We have come upon footage that seems to bear out this claim. It's embedded below.

The question then becomes: Why was Lykke Li and those particular musicians chosen to perform a live concert on the Moon? Who did they perform for? Or maybe Lykke Li is actually a time traveler, and the Live From the Moon concert didn't happen ten years ago, but rather 410 years into the future? What is the truth here? We want answers!

Take a look at the video evidence and prepare to have your mind blown on this Musical Monday. (Or maybe just enjoy this minimalist, haunting performance of Lykke Li's "I Follow Rivers".)

Monday, July 12, 2021

Hick-Hop on a Musical Monday

A co-worker brought a musical sub-genre that crosses rock, hip-hop, and country with an off-roading, beer-swilling, American back-country aesthetic here at Shades of Gray. After she showed us a few videos, she said we were watching and listening to "hick-hop." 

One example of "hick-hop" comes to us from Gangstergrass, fronted by Rench. (I think the video for this one is especially good, with some small clever touches [easter-eggs?] here and there.)

Rench of Gangstergrass

Here's a sample of "hick-hop" from a favorite performer of my coworker, Brantley Gilbert.... 

Brantley Gilbert

Monday, July 5, 2021

Musical Monday with Panic! at the Disco

We're starting this first work-week of July with a stylish video (and a great song from Panic! at the Disco's 2014 album "Too Weird to Live, Too Rare to Die") that presents a warning about smoking/vaping, relationships, and loss.

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Part homage, part spoof, all good

Miss Barton's Famous Cakes (2019)
Starring: Lauren LaVera, Michael Doherty, and Charlie McElveen
Directors: Jared Hirsch and Nelson Vicens
Rating: Eight of Ten Stars

On a rainy night, Miss Barton (LaVera) learns that a pair of homicidal maniacs are searching for her in order to sate their hunger for her award-winning cake.

Lauren LaVera in "Miss Barton's Famous Cakes"

"Miss Barton's Famous Cakes" captures the look and feel of 1950s film noir, slanted more in the direction of the British manifestation of the genre than the American one. It has fun with the style and conventions of the genre, but it's also obvious that the filmmakers have love and respect for the material they drew inspiration from. Viewers are treated to about 15 minutes of excellent cinematography and lighting (that takes full advantage of the black-and-white medium); tight dialogue and fine acting (that is equal parts dramatic and the delivery vehicle for several moments of hilarity you won't see coming); and nicely done period costumes and hair styles (which is where many films that this usually fail).

The only complaint I have is that Miss Barton's visitors are slightly miscast. Both actors (Charles Doherety and Michael McElveen) give fine performances, but they both seem a little young and/or fresh-faced for homicide squad detectives in a film noir bit. This might be an unfair and nitpicky complaint, but it's the only thing about the whole film that didn't quite work for me.

Take a few minutes to check out "Miss Barton's Famous Cakes" by clicking below. I'm sure you'll find it time well spent.

Thursday, June 3, 2021

A Stranger's Final Moments...

Stranger (2013)
Starring: Gabriel Burrafato, Nathalie Ben-Kely, Rusty Meyers, and Billy Gilbride
Director: Brandon Christensen
Rating: Seven of Ten Stars

Stranger (Burrafato), a lonely hitman who is now a target for death himself, is resigned to spending his final moments, admiring Iris (Ben-Kely), the woman he secretly loves from afar. But then things take a turn....

Gabriel Burrafato as Stranger

"Stranger" is a short film from 2013 that set out to capture the look and mood of the film noir genre of the late 1940s and early 1950s. It is largely successful--especially during the shots of Gabriel Burrafato sitting at the bar while his character internally monologs. 

In addition to some great cinematography, this little film features a story and characters that's portrayed effectively enough that not only will you be able to imagine what has gone before and what will follow the events shown on screen, but you may find yourself wishing there was more time with Stranger, Iris, and whoever Stranger has crossed than just these few minutes.

As enjoyable and well-done as I found this film to be, there were a couple things about it that bothered me--admittedly small things but one still bugged me enough to rise above the level of a nitpick.

There needed to be a difference in sound quality between Stranger's narration and the conversation he has with Iris. Stranger's internal monolog happens against an audio backdrop of total silence, which makes sense since it's in his head, but the same is true of the exchanges he has with Iris. The parts where Stranger isn't narrating would have benefitted tremendously from a little ambient sounds drifting in from nearby tables or other patrons at the bar.

Despite that highly technical complaint, I think "Stranger" is an excellent short film, and I think you'll find the four minutes it will take you to watch it well worth your time. It may even brighten your day... because who doesn't like a love story (even one between a hitman and a hostess... perhaps *especially* one between a hitman and a hostess)? 

Hey, I think you'll like it so much that I've embedded it below, via YouTube, so you can watch it right now!

Monday, May 24, 2021

Musical Monday with Three Days Grace

Here's a Fun Fact about the song "Somebody That I Used to Know": The version recorded by Gotya some ten or so years ago wasn't bad. But I've yet to come across a cover that was equally good or didin't improve upon in some way. And the today's Musical Monday entry--a "Somebody That I Used to Know" cover from Canadian hard rock band Three Days Grace--continues that pattern.
Three Days Grace

While I really enjoyed the music on this cover, I find the video creepy as hell, and not in a good way. I think they were going for a "Take On Me" vibe with the video, but it was done badly and on the cheap with video filters. The result made me uncomfortable. (This may just be a personal quirk... watch it and tell me what YOU think in the comments section.)

(While I dumped on Gotya above, I have to say that the video made to support his version of "Somebody That I Used to Know" is fantastic. (Although, even the Star Wars parody version of it is a better performance of the song, I think.)

Monday, May 3, 2021

Musical Monday with Fifth Harmony

Fifth Harmony

Fifth Harmony was a Miami-based girl band that formed in 2012 after its five members had individually been contestants on the televised talent show "The X Factor." They enjoyed tremendous success during the middle years of the 2010s--with Billboard magazine naming them "the biggest girl band of 2010s".

In 2018, the band broke up and its members went their separate ways, each embarking on the solo careers they'd hoped "The X Factor" would have launched for them.

They're here at Shades of Gray to kick off the new work week with mellow music, sexy dancing, and some nice cinematography. Enjoy "Write on Me", which debuted five years ago this week (May 6, 2016 to be exact).

Write on Me (2016)
Starring: Fifth Harmony
Director: Samantha Lecca
Rating: Seven of Ten Stars

Monday, April 5, 2021

Musical Monday with Lykke Li

Lykke Li is a Swedish singer/songwriter who spent her childhood globe-trotting with her family. As an adult, she settled in Brooklyn, N.Y., where she began her musical career. 

Lykke Li

Lykke Li's music is mostly danceable pop with an undercurrent of darkness and a strong indie flavor. She joins us today to get your week started with a bit of video madness--and one that in some ways sums up the nature of this blog--and a song with lyrics that have multiple layers of interpretation.

Get Some (2010)
Starring: Lykke Li
Director: Johan Soderborg
Rating: Eight of Ten Stars

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

A collection of clever and funny short comics

Stark Plug Book(.com) (Rolling Tire Productions, 2017)
Art and Writing: Chap
Rating: Seven of Ten Stars

Experience fragments from the life of a comic book character who, at one point, decides to quit his job to star in a newspaper strip.

"Stark Plug Book(.com)" is a collection of stories of varying lengths by Steven Chappell (aka Chap). The look of the art reminded me mostly of Gilbert Sheldon (best known for the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers), but the tone of the humor was generally more genteel, as well as more surreal, than Gilbert's work, as is even evident from the book's cover. 

The material presented is as much about the experience of reading comics and the act of creating stories and art, as it is about chronicling Stark and his surroundings, something which becomes increasingly clear as you read. There's even a page that makes fun of the "classified ad"-style encouragements for kids to order toys and other items that used to be commonplace in comic books. There's even a "contest" that involves finding all the airplanes in the book.

Stark Plug and his dog are the main characters in the book, with Stark's chatty coworkers, his mean boss, and a street musician named Bernie the Banjo Bum making up the main supporting cast. I found Bernie to be the most amusing character here, even outshining Stark himself. (The supporting characters mostly drop out during Stark's turn starring in a newspaper strip, but they are back afterwards.) 

Humor-wise, there is a little bit of everything--social commentary, along with commentary on social commentary; sit-com style comedy; self-referential and fourth-wall shattering jokes and situations that both illuminate and poke fun at artistic creation and processes and comic book story-telling techniques; observations on the nature of art; and metaphysical musings in satirical wrappings. The blurb on the cover announces that this book is "nice alternative to television"... and that is truth in advertising!

I ordered my copy of "Stark Plug Book(.com) directly from the creator at To my surprise and joy, my package included several little bits of the merchandise that I thought was just humorous fictions on the amusing "classified ad" page I mentioned earlier. So--I was a proud owner of a Bernie the Banjo Bum guitar pick... until it went missing in my recent move. (At least I still have my sticker... and I still hold out hope that my Bernie guitar pick will resurface somewhere!)

Monday, March 8, 2021

Musical Monday with Body Count

Body Count is a rap/heavy metal fusion group fronted by Ice-T. He founded it with guitarist Ernie C. in 1990, as a vehicle for both of them to explore and express their love of heavy metal music... and to allow the rest of us to come along for the ride.

Ice-T and Body Count

Ice-T and the band join us today with a song and a video that embodies fantasies of the sorts that we suspect any creative person who's crossed paths with an online "critic" or twit on Twitter (or maybe just negative reviewers in general) has engaged in at least once.

A word of warning in case you like visiting this blog at work: Do NOT click on this video. Very little of it is Safe For Work (or even polite company) ... but it's funny, rockin', and worth watching. 

Wait until you get home to watch it. But watch it. (I don't want Body Count to think I am discouraging anyone from enjoying their work. Please don't misunderstand guys--and I hope you think an Eight of Ten Rating is high enough. If not... can't we talk about it? Please?)

Talk Shit, Get Shot (2014)
Starring: Ice-T, Shakir Standley, and Body Count
Director: Franklin Nasso
Rating: Eight of Ten Stars

Monday, February 15, 2021

Musical Monday with Winona Oak

Winona Oak is a Swedish singer/songwriter who is squaring off against herself during her first visit to Shades of Gray on this Musical post-Valentine's Day Monday.

Here's hoping you had a better Valentine's Day that the one implied by this song. (And even if you didn't, maybe you will find entertainment in the music and be fascinated by the clever and creatively filmed and trick-laden video that comes with it.

He Doesn't Love Me (2019)
Starring: Winona Oak
Director: Andreas Ohman
Rating: Seven of Ten Stars

Monday, January 18, 2021

Musical Monday with the Interrupters

On Wednesday, Jan. 20, Joseph R. Biden is going to be inaugurated as the 46th president of the United States of America. As a warm-up for that event, we bring you the Interrupters, a California-based ska/punk band that's been performing and touring together since 2011.
