Monday, December 28, 2020

Musical Monday with Azul Sierra

On the final Musical Mondal of 2020, we bring you a sweet, romantic urban fantasy cartoon that's been rescored by composer Azul Sierra. I don't know what the original music was like, but as far as I'm concerned what Sierra did here is perfect! 

Further, what we have here is basically a silent movie, and that makes Sierra's music all the more remarkable. All scores written for silent films by modern composers should be treated with the grace and attention to what's happening on the screen that Sierra exhibits here.

Take a look and listen. I'm sure you'll find it to be a good start to this last week of the year.

Paperman (2012, New Score/Silent Version 2020)
Director: John Kahrs
Rating: Ten of Ten Stars

Check out Azul Sierra's YouTube Channel for more samples of her work by clicking here.

1 comment:

  1. I've nothing good to say about Disney corp's ethics, but they do know how to attract those who create magic.
