Monday, August 3, 2020

Happy National Watermelon Day!

I made a joke about Taco Tuesday to someone I know from Australia. Her response was, "Americans and their weird holidays..."

The fact there is such a thing as National Watermelon Day, and no one seems to know who first declared August 3rd to be that day, nor when it was first named so--the earliest reference I could find to it was in 2015, but my Google-Fu is weak--seems to prove her point.

National Watermelon Day is celebrated every year on August 3rd by... well, eating watermelon. That's it.

Weird holiday or not, we here at Shades of Gray encourage everyone to enjoy some tasty watermelon to mark this very special day. We will be--whille Bebe Daniels will be performing the traditional Watermelon song. (And we all hope you will have more fun than Harold Lloyd... he doesn't like watermelon, the freak!)

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