From the studio that introduced the world to Felix the Cat comes a tale of sweet, sweet adventure...
Silvery Moon (aka "Candy Town") (1933)
Starring: Bonnie Poe
Directors: Mannie Davis and John Foster
Rating: Seven of Ten Stars
A pair of cats are magically teleported to the Moon where they find a realm inhabited by friendly creatures where everything is edible and made from candy and ice cream!
"Silvery Moon" (or "Candy Town" as it is more widely known) is a cute, nonsensical, and nearly plotless cartoon. I kept expecting it to take a dark turn--as I am used to in the Betty Boop cartoons, which this both looks and sounds like, but none ever came. Instead, it remained goofy and as sweet as the candy in the world that cats are transported to.
I assume the target audience for this film in the 1930s was little kids, and I think it might be something they'd get a kick out of even today. However, it's fast-moving enough, and just surreal enough that adults watching it with them will at least be mildly entertained. It could have benefitted immensely from being in color, however.)
You can see if I'm right or wrong in my estimation, right here in this very post since I've embedded the film below, via YouTube.
(With Halloween approaching, you should probably be thinking about candy, too. Are you ready for the onslaught of trick-or-treaters?)
Sunday, October 13, 2019
It's a sweet time on the Silvery Moon
Bonnie Poe,
High Rating,
short film,
Van Beuren
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