Thursday, January 16, 2025

National Hat Day Reject

 She tried... oh, how she tried to be part of the National Hat Day celebration.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

It's National Hat Day!

Tara Nichol Caldwell

For the third year in a row (making it a tradition now!), we mark National Hat Day by bringing you pictures of beautiful people in headgear (some of... well, some of it rather weird).

Vera Steadman

Lady Gaga in a hat
Yvonne Craig in sunhat
Jane Birkin wearing a helmet and eating ice cream

Harold Lloyd and Friend


 And. finally, we have Cara Delevingne being extra efficient for her first appearance at Shades of Gray this year: She's observing Cat Day, International Nude Day, and National Hat Day--all at the same time!

Cara Delevingne


Friday, January 3, 2025

Flabby Fanny Friday

January is National Weight Loss Month... and Flapper Fanny has a thought about that.

Flapper Fanny by Ethel Hays