Thursday, August 4, 2022

One of the best 'Alice' entries is still weak

Alice the Whaler (1927)
Starring: Lois Hardwick
Director: Walt Disney
Rating: Five of Ten Stars

Alice (Hardwick) is the captain of a whaling vessel operated by a literal zoo crew of cartoon animals.

A scene from 'Alice the Whaler' (1927)

 The "Alice Comedies" (also referred to as "Alice in Cartoonland") was an early series of 50+ short films by Walt Disney. It merged live action footage with animation in a fashion similar to the "Out of the Inkwell" series from Max Fleischer, but much cruder in execution.

"Alice the Whaler" came toward the end of the series, and it's one of the better ones I've watched so far... but it's also incredibly inconsistent in the level of quality as it unfolds. There are some really nice bits of animation with flying birds, some of the crew antics are fairly complex and funny. On the other hand, there are some jokes that get drawn out well beyond the point of being funny and there's some cheaply and lazily executed animation sequences, and the live-action Alice is barely incorporated into any of the cartoon action. 

What really ruins this cartoon, though, is the ending. It involves Alice's whaling ship successfully harpooning the whale, and, given how this is set up, I can't believe that even 100 years ago audiences would have found that turn of events amusing or entertaining. Either Walt Disney conceived of one of the worst endings to a cartoon ever, or the full ending has not survived to present day. (The only satisfying finale *I* can think of for this one, would have seen Alice's ship smashed to bits and she and her zoo crew bobbing in the ocean, clutching flotsam.)

But don't take my word for it--click below and watch for yourself. Aside from the completely botched ending, this is a pretty cute cartoon. The music is also matched nicely to the action.

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