Monday, May 18, 2015

In memory of Elizabeth Montgomery

It's 20 years today since the passing of the great Elizabeth Montgomery. She is best remembered for her role as Samantha in the "Bewitched" television series, but she had a thriving career both before and after what became her signature role. Read more

For more images from the "polar bear shoot," click here.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Mohammed Monday: 'You can't draw me!'

Pamela Gellar and her organization sponsored an art contest for people to draw the Prophet Mohammed. Not surprising to anyone, a pair of psychopathic idolators (posing as Muslims) tried to shoot up the gathering where the $10,000 prize was given out for the best entry. Fortunately, the only deaths were those of the would-be mass-murderers themselves. Fortunately, their lives ended as they had led them -- in failure.

On that note, here's one of the entries from Gellar's constest. And a quote from a post at the blog on the topics of the event and the violence it drew. Too bad so many American "leaders"--from President Obama down--believe the opposite.

The future must belong to those who recognize a categorical difference between free expression and violent reprisals. The future must belong to those who affirm speech over silence and freedom over fear, regardless of who is speaking and who is offended.  

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Picture Perfect Wednesday:
Dancers by Jack Sparling

NUELOW Games released one of its art packs that's themed to International Dance Day! You can get more information on the set by clicking here, or you can just enjoy the nice Sparling art right here at Shades of Grey!

It's International Dance Day!

Here are some pictures of ballerinas to celebrate... and when you're done sitting around looking at photos--go dance!


Monday, April 13, 2015

Mohammed Monday: Dedicated to Gary Trudeau

After accepting the George Polk Award, Gary Trudeau blamed the victims in the "Charlie Hebdo" murders, You can read his speech here. Apparently, he thinks that if you're "offended" or "feel pain" over something someone writes or draws that it's an appropriate response to murder the people who offended you.

The only appropriate response if someone threatens murder or commits murder over art is for anyone who cares about the freedom of expression to do MORE of the same. I don't describe myself as a "free speech absolutist" but I AM a fanatic when it comes to the position that it's never an appropriate response to commit violence over a drawing or a cartoon. In my mind, there should never be a "but" behind that sentiment... especially not when it's coming from someone who has made their living drawing cartoons, like Gary Trudeau

In honor of Gary Trudeau's fucked-up outlook are a trio cartoons I did a few years ago for the "Everybody Draw Mohammed" craze. I figured I'd practice what I preach.

And if you feel pain or feel like I should die because the cartoons are badly done or because they feature magical, soul-searing images of the Prophet Mohammed, I really don't care. I do suggest you seek the services of a good psychiatrist, however. You clearly have issues that need to be worked out, and that may only be treatable with anti-psychotic medications.

Trivia: The first image led to the idea that became the "Jihad Fairie Activity Page" cartoons.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Happy Easter!

Easter Fact: The easter bunny gets to hang out with chicks. It doesn't matter if he's being cute...

... or creepy.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Mohammed Monday: Will the real Mo please stand up?

Once a month (if I remember), I'm post a Mo-toon to this blog, as a sign of disrespect to the idolators who so worship images of the Prophet Mohammed (may pies be upon him), they fly into blind rages over ,mere implication that their false god has been portrayed with pen or pixels.

If I know who the original artist was, I provide credit. In this case, I do not.