Showing posts with label Mohammed Mondays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mohammed Mondays. Show all posts

Monday, August 15, 2022

The Return (once again) of Mohammed Mondays!

Last week, an asshole by the name of Hadi Matar, motivated by religious fanaticism and encouragement by like-minded assholes, attacked and tried to kill author Salman Rushdie for writing a book.

All we can do in response (aside from cursing) is resume the posting of MoToons and the best of the "Jesus & Mo" comic strip.

Starting today, and for the foreseeable future, every other Monday will be Mohammed Monday at Shades of Gray!

(In "Jesus & Mo", the title characters are presented as a pair of Bert & Ernie-style best friends and roommates. The social and theological and philosophical commentary of the strip varies in its subtlety, but it's always funny. And, more importantly, blasphemous.)

THIS WEEK'S MO-TOON (a repeat Shades of Gray classic)
Mohammed cartoon and quotes

If you want to contribute a Mo-Toon, send it as a jpg attachment via email. The address is at the bottom of the blog page. (Let us know if you want credit or if you want to be anonymous. A link to your website or social media page can also be provided.)

Monday, March 2, 2020

Mohammed Monday

Once upon a time, Mohammed Mondays were a regular feature around here. Now, they are special events, reserved for when I come across a particularly amusing cartoon featuring the Prophet Mohammed, or some other noteworthy occasion.

On this Mohammed Monday, I bring you the latest from artist Bosch Fawstin, who may well have brought more images of the Big Mo into this world than any other single human being. (Click on the image to see a larger, more easily read version.

Fawstin has released a color version of this cartoon as a limited-run print. One hundred signed and numbered copies are available at Fawstin's online store. For more information, or to order your copy, click here.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Mohammed Monday

It's Monday. It's May 20. It's Everybody Draw Mohammed Day, which was a satirical invention of cartoonist Molly Norris, whose life was then subsequently destroyed and snuffed out by idolaters and their eager enablers who pretend they are liberals.

I am bringing back Mohammed Monday to the blog for one day with a handful of classic "Jesus and Mo" cartoons.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Mohammed Monday: 'You can't draw me!'

Pamela Gellar and her organization sponsored an art contest for people to draw the Prophet Mohammed. Not surprising to anyone, a pair of psychopathic idolators (posing as Muslims) tried to shoot up the gathering where the $10,000 prize was given out for the best entry. Fortunately, the only deaths were those of the would-be mass-murderers themselves. Fortunately, their lives ended as they had led them -- in failure.

On that note, here's one of the entries from Gellar's constest. And a quote from a post at the blog on the topics of the event and the violence it drew. Too bad so many American "leaders"--from President Obama down--believe the opposite.

The future must belong to those who recognize a categorical difference between free expression and violent reprisals. The future must belong to those who affirm speech over silence and freedom over fear, regardless of who is speaking and who is offended.  

Monday, April 13, 2015

Mohammed Monday: Dedicated to Gary Trudeau

After accepting the George Polk Award, Gary Trudeau blamed the victims in the "Charlie Hebdo" murders, You can read his speech here. Apparently, he thinks that if you're "offended" or "feel pain" over something someone writes or draws that it's an appropriate response to murder the people who offended you.

The only appropriate response if someone threatens murder or commits murder over art is for anyone who cares about the freedom of expression to do MORE of the same. I don't describe myself as a "free speech absolutist" but I AM a fanatic when it comes to the position that it's never an appropriate response to commit violence over a drawing or a cartoon. In my mind, there should never be a "but" behind that sentiment... especially not when it's coming from someone who has made their living drawing cartoons, like Gary Trudeau

In honor of Gary Trudeau's fucked-up outlook are a trio cartoons I did a few years ago for the "Everybody Draw Mohammed" craze. I figured I'd practice what I preach.

And if you feel pain or feel like I should die because the cartoons are badly done or because they feature magical, soul-searing images of the Prophet Mohammed, I really don't care. I do suggest you seek the services of a good psychiatrist, however. You clearly have issues that need to be worked out, and that may only be treatable with anti-psychotic medications.

Trivia: The first image led to the idea that became the "Jihad Fairie Activity Page" cartoons.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Mohammed Monday: Will the real Mo please stand up?

Once a month (if I remember), I'm post a Mo-toon to this blog, as a sign of disrespect to the idolators who so worship images of the Prophet Mohammed (may pies be upon him), they fly into blind rages over ,mere implication that their false god has been portrayed with pen or pixels.

If I know who the original artist was, I provide credit. In this case, I do not.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Mohammed Monday: Better Late Than Not At All Edition

Don't go to pieces... we're just toying around with pictures of the Prophet Mohammed! (Drawing by B. West.)

Monday, February 2, 2015

Mohammad Monday: Mo Says Howdy!

You might think it's a portrait of some lumberjack or homeless guy waving a friendly welcome to another work week. You and everyone else would say "how nice."

But the moment I tell you it's a portrait of the Prophet Mohammed waving a friendly welcome to another work week, some of you out there will fly into a psychotic, murderous rage.
Mohammed says 'Howdy', By Anonymous
If that drawing of the Prophet Mohammed sends you into a murderous rage, do the world a favor: Expend that murderous rage on yourself. The rest of us will be better off once you're dead.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Monday, January 12, 2015

Mohammed Monday: The REAL Reason Mo Hates Pigs

Many journalists and bloggers and news outlets have been wearing the "Je Suis Charlie" badge while at the same time bowing to the demands of psychopathic freaks who murder because they want to force their belief system on others.

Not here. My attitude toward that sort of nonsense has been the same since I first learned of the lunatics in Iran putting a death sentence and bounty on Salman Rushdie for writing a novel straight through to the latest, horrific acting out of death cultists wearing the clothes of Muslims in Paris, France.

Are they real Muslims or not? I really don't give a fuck. All I know is that I don't respect their idolatrous beliefs in the Prophet Mohammed, and I don't respect their demands that images of him should not be shown.

I don't believe people who threaten violence against those who engage in artistic expression should be shown any respect or consideration. In fact, the only propery response to people like that is to do MORE of what they are against, not less.

If you are a offended by an image of the Prophet Mohammed, I feel sorry for you. But that won't stop me. If you think they shouldn't be displayed because they may cause offense, I have no time for you. If you want to hurt those who draw or publish images of the Prophet Mohammed, then fuck you.


Mohammed Mondays will continue as long as I can find Mohammed cartoons that I find amusing to post here. You're welcome to submit your own at the email at the bottom of this blog. I can post them attributed or anonymously. No payment will be offered.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Mohammed Mondays to Return

With the butchering of Charb and nine other staffers by fanatic idol worshipers of the Prophet Mohammed, I've decided to reinstitute Mohammad Mondays, so long as I can find good cartoons to post.

Feel free to submit any you may create yourself. If I like them, I will post them. The email address is at the bottom of this blog.

The only response that those who have respect for the freedom of expression can possibly have when insane animals like these act out is to do MORE of the very thing they are trying to stop.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Mohammed Monday:
Remembering Osama bin Laden

By now you've probably heard that Osama bin Laden is dead. If you haven't, click here for that important news.

Today, we pay homage to Bin Laden and his love for the Prophet Mohammed (may peas be upon him) as well as the male prostitute Mohammed with whom Osama shared his bed these past six years (when he wasn't taking it up the ass from Mullah Omar or Aymen Al Zahrawi).

Osama did truly loom large among those who idolize the Prophet Mohammed (may pecans be upon him). Never before has a mere mortal so embodied the values of Jihad, with a life so full of murder, mayhem, misogyny, homosexual escapades, and sex with little girls.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Mohammed Monday:
Did you feel the earth move, too?

Today's Mo-toon recalls the "Boobquake" event from last year while reminding us of the root cause of the destructive earthquake that hit Japan this past week. (Click on the picture for a larger, legible version.)

At this point, it's unknown which immodest woman caused that earthquake, but the Tectonic Tuesday research project will soon identify the culprit.

Meanwhile, here are a few likely suspects....

Milla Jovovich
Halle Berry
Jennifer Love Hewitt

Monday, January 24, 2011

Mojo Monday: Girlfriend's in a coma!

It's a question for the ages: If the Prophet Mohammed (may peas be upon him) and Mojo Nixon were to have a rock-off, who would win?

Monday, January 17, 2011

Mohammed Monday: Mo and the Mountain

That Gary Larson cartoon--which features both the all-holy image and name of the Prophet Mohammed (may pyrite be upon him)--was syndicated around the world in 1994, yet there were no mobs in the streets, no attacks on embassies, nor cowardice and hysterical pants-wetting from the editorial staffs of the newspapers across the United States of America.

At what point did the idol-worshiping heathens who seek to kill any non-believer who DARES show the image of their god, "The Prophet Mohammed (may peat be upon him)", become the dominant and governing force in the so-called Muslim World? When did the followers of the self-described "Religion of Peace" in the Western World turn into a bunch of dimwitted barbarians who spent their time making mountains out of Mo' hills?

Monday, December 27, 2010

Mohammed Monday: Priorities

This is the last Monday of 2010, and the last of the weekly Mohammed Mondays. This feature will go to a whenever-the-mood-strikes-me --not because I care about offending Muslim Maniacs, and over-sensitives paranoiacs prone to hysterics, but because I have better things to do with my time than search for suitable cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed (may pizza be upon him).

Speaking of priorities, that's the subject of today's cartoon by Jennifer Armstrong.

This cartoon originally appeared here, in a post that also serves as a nice background piece on why Mohammed Monday exists. (The final trigger was the fact that Islamic terrorists forced Molly Norris to change her name and go underground.)