Showing posts with label Everybody Draw Muhammed Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Everybody Draw Muhammed Day. Show all posts

Thursday, May 20, 2010

'Everybody Draw Mohammed Day' 'toons!

Here are Tom's contributions to the Day of a Million Moes.

If you want your drawings of Mohammed hosted by someone other than yourself, feel free to send them. I'll be checking email throughout the afternoon.

Everybody Draw Mohammed Day Sketches

I've posted my primary contribution to the world-wide, web-based demonstration against Islamic psychos threatening cartoonists, filmmakers, writers, and other artists whenever they feel offended at Cinema Steve, because there is a little color in the finished piece so it doesn't fit here. Click here to check it out.

However, the sketches I made while creating the illo do. So, here's me getting double-milage out of the same acts of "blasphemy" by drawing the Prophet Mohammed(may peas upon him, may pleats be upon him, and may Pez be upon him).

May the smiling face of the Prophet Mohammed (may peat be upon him) be everywhere you look today. Click here to view hundreds of cartoons drawn in defense of freedom of expression and in celebration of Everybody Draw Mohammed Day.

Everybody Draw Mohammed Day:
The Best of the Bravest

For the past three weeks, Aaron Worthing has been posting drawings from around the world at his Everyone Draw Mohammed blog. I think he's done more for this day in defense of freedom of expression than anyone else I've come across.

I'm reposting a few of my favorites done by those who believe so firmly in this protest against violent Muslim extremism that they clearly identified themselves when they submitted their art for Aaron to post. Click on the drawings to see larger versions and visit the "Everyone Draw Mohammed" site for full credits on the drawings.

For my contribution to Everybody Draw Mohammed Day, click here.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Picture Perfect Wednesday:
Everybody Draw Mohammed Day Preview

Tomorrow is the long-awaited Everybody Draw Mohammed Day! It's too bad that cartoonist Molly Norris (who is NOT taking part in the festivities... she made a joke but others made it reality) didn't pick May 19 as the date, because what could make a more Picture Perfect Wednesday than thousands of bloggers posting pictures of the Prophet Mohammed (peas be upon him) within the same 24-hour period?

Anyhow, I forgive you, Ms. Norris. I'm sure the Islamic Thought Police forgive you, too. At any rate, the fact Everybody Draw Muhammed Day is torrow, gives me one more opportunity to plug the event by posting one of my favorite early Mohammed cartoons that showed up here. (Once again, the link takes you to Aaron Worthing's "Everyone Draw Mohammed" blog.)

This illo is one of the hundreds already posted there. It's by Kevin Johnson and it was captioned "Early censorship of Muhammed's image".

I hope you'll come back tomorrow to take a look at my contribution to the Day of a Million Moes. I hope even more strongly that you'll be participating with a drawing of your own.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Picture Perfect Wednesday:
Everybody Draw Mohammed Day Preview

Here's my first contribution to the run-up to the "Everybody Draw Mohammed Day" on May 20th (a day that will be remembered as the Day of a Million Mo's!). It started as a sketch for the more elaborate cartoon I am working on, but then an idea struck and the sketch became the first drawing I've "published" in over 15 years.

Heck, I almost remember what I loved about cartooning and drawing back when I did it on a regular basis!

I'll be posting my full-fledged Mohammed cartoon on May 20th. I hope you'll swing by to check it out. Meanwhile, you can shudder in horror at Cartoons of Blasphemy here and here.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

This blog will be part of
'Everybody Draw Mohammed Day'
on May 20

On May 20, I'll be posting an original piece of art to this blog, a cartoon of the Prophet Mohammed himself (may peas be upon him)!

I, along with what I hope will be hundreds (maybe even thousands!) of bloggers and artists, will take a stand that our governments and media-owners have generally not been willing to, to stand up and in our own small way show the freakish, bloodthirsty Muslim terrorists that we're sick of their attempts to quell freedom of expression.

(And I don't really care about the "moderate Muslim" or "good Muslim" and their taking of offense. They should be offended at the psychos who claim to be the "good Muslims" and who want to kill over books, cartoons, or even the presentation of factual information about Islamic culture, history and the Prophet Mohammed (may fleece be upon him)).

For some background on "Everybody Draw Mohammed Day" as filtered through me, check out the following links. (In brief, the idea sprang from a cartoon drawn by an artist who had no idea what she was starting.)

From April 22: 'Prophet Muhammad' now a dirty word!

From April 27: May 20th is the first annual Everybody Draw Muhammed Day (well... not really)

From May 4: May 20th IS the first annual Everbody Draw Muhammed Day!

I hope anyone reading this will take part in Everyone Draw Mohammed Day and publish a cartoon of their own.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

It's that time again:
Mohammed Cartoon Festival

This past Friday, a psycho armed with an axe and a knife broke into the home of Danish cartoonist Kurt Westergaard. It should come as no surprise that the psycho was Muslim and that the police believe he, like so man other Muslim psychos, wanted to kill Westergard in revenge for drawing a cartoon. Click here for the details.

(By the way, through his lawyer, the Muslim psycho claimed that he did not break into the house armed with a knife and an axe with the intent of killing Westergaard. Perhaps this was all a big cultural misunderstanding. Perhaps breaking into a person's home while armed with deadly weapons is the way Somali Muslims ask, "Would you like a copy of a pamphlet describing the benefits of Islam--complete with sexy drawings of the 72 virgins that will be your reward for butchering the sub-human Infidels?")

The irony here is that these psychos, in their drive to appease their blood-thirsty god and their own mental derangements, are underscoring the truth portrayed in those cartoons. The Cartoon Festival applies equeally as a description of the drawings and the Lions of Islam.

Speaking of which... here are three of the cartoons that, if you're a psychotic Muslim, justify murder and mayhem. There were nine more in the series, but I am just reposting the ones that fit the format of this blog. (Along with a cartoon drawn as a reaction to the reaction by the Muslim psychos.) Click on the images to see larger versions.