Showing posts with label Dane Shitagi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dane Shitagi. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

The ballerinas are gathering...

... for International Dance Day at the end of the month! Soon, they'll be back with us at Shades of Gray.

Some are getting here on their feet.

Others are arriving in cabs, but still on their feet!


Wednesday, April 12, 2023

The ballerinas are returning...

... from the far-flung corners of the world (and beyond)!


International Dance Day will be here soon, and they want to be ready!

Except for Valeska Miller. She's decided she wants to join the Moon Girls instead!

Dancer and actress Valeska Miller


Wednesday, April 5, 2023

The gathering has begun....

International Dance Day is coming at the end of the month. The runaway dancers are making their way home for the celebration!

Francesca Hayward

Photo by Luis Pons

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

What are the dancers doing now that it's Spring?

On International Dance Day 2022, the ballerinas ran off into the wild. We're trying to keep track of them, and we'll try to bring you updates on the last Wednesday of each month until International Dance Day 2023.

And now that winter is ending, and Spring has arrived, we're checking in to see what's up with the ballerinas.

We have discovered that some are dancing around their favorite trees, encouraging leaves to grow. (While also demonstrating the Unifying Theme here at Shades of Gray.)

Some of the ballerinas have also come back inside, so they can properly prepare for International Dance Day 2023, which is one month away!

Monday, March 20, 2023

It's officially Spring!

Everybody say "thank you" to MacKenzie Richter for, once again, pushing back the cold winds of winter! Jack Frost knows not to mess with her!

MacKenzie Richter defeats winter!

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

It's National Cat Day (in Japan)!

Feb. 22 (2/22) is National Cat Day in Japan. This day was chosen by the nation to celebrate the greatest animals on planet Earth, because the date (2/22) sounds to Japanese ears like a cat meowing--nyan-nyan-nyan, which "two-two-two" in Japanese.

Here are some pictures of ladies and their pussies in observation of this very special day!

Cara Delevingne and the Lion


Where are the dancers?

On International Dance Day 2022, the ballerinas ran off into the wild. We're trying to keep track of them, and we'll try to bring you updates on the last Wednesday of each month until International Dance Day 2023. Here's what some of them have been doing recently:

Sarah found herself (which is fitting, since we are posting on 2/22).

Ballerina Sarah Hays with a mirror.

Miko found what may be the Stairway to Heaven...

... while Sydney may have found the Highway to Hell (at the Bridge Over Troubled Waters).

Sydney Dolan

But there's no doubt that MacKenzie and Zarina found themselves further from home than anyone else: They ran into a group of short guys and tagged along for a trip to Mordor.

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

How are the dancers doing?

On International Dance Day 2022, the ballerinas ran off into the wild. We're trying to keep track of them, and we'll try to bring you updates on the last Wednesday of each month until International Dance Day 2023.

As you may recall, we were worried for the ballerinas as winter arrived. But, as it turns out, they're still doing fine! 

Some are just ignoring the cold and snow...

... and others have come back indoors...

... where most are staying close to the windows, so they know as soon as the weather's fit for them to run outside again!

Ballerina Lia Cirio

Ballerina Isabella Boylston

Although maybe they share more in common with cats than grace and the ability to land on their feet?

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

What are the dancers doing as the year ends?

On International Dance Day 2022, the ballerinas ran off into the wild. We're trying to keep track of them, and we'll try to bring you updates on the last Wednesday of each month until International Dance Day 2023.

It's winter. It's snowing. Now what?

Ballerina Claire Davison
Ballerina Claire Davison

If you're cold, they're cold. Bring them inside.

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

What are the dancers up to?

On International Dance Day 2022, the ballerinas ran off into the wild. We're trying to keep track of them, and we'll try to bring you updates on the last Wednesday of each month until International Dance Day 2023.

It's cold and rainy. How are the dancers doing? Well, they generally aren't letting the weather get to them...

Ballerina Katie Boren in Paris

... but some have sought temporary shelter.


Ballerina Sarah Hays trashing a bookstore

Ballerina Sarah Hays trashing a bookstore

But wherever the ballerinas are as Autumn turns to Winter, you can be sure they're dancing!