Friday, November 27, 2020

The Trouble with Beauty

A Very Fine Lady (1908)
Starring: RenĂ©e Carl 
Directors: Louis Feuillade and Romeo Bosetti
Rating: Six of Ten Stars

A lady (Carl) walks through town, unaware that her beauty and all the distracted men are causing chaos in her wake.

The teaser summary above pretty much sums up the entirety of "A Very Fine Lady", aside from a little bit of business at the end when the cops step into restore order in an amusing way. 

This straight-forward film has withstood the passage of time exceptionally well, with all of its jokes working as well now, more than 110 years later, than they did when the film was made. Take a few minutes to brighten your day by checking it out. 

(Heck, this film could even do with a remake--it's been a while since Benny Hill remade it on a near-weekly basis!)

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