Thursday, December 26, 2019

'Preto Branco' is a stylish modern silent movie

The other day, I made a post in which I embedded a silent movie made in 1914. Just for the heck of it, here's a silent movie that was produced and released in 2014, one hundred years later!

Preto Branco (aka "Black/White") (2014)
Starring: Inês Cândido and João Teles
Director: Magdalena Traguil
Rating: Six of Ten Stars

A young woman escapes an abusive relationships in a permanent fashion.

"Preto Branco" is a brief, thoroughly modern silent movie. It's a stylish, straight-forward bit of filmmaking that uses the black-and-white media effectively, as well as communicates everything through action and scene framing. (Okay... there is one sound effect here, but I think it fall into the same category as a musical score.)

The only complaint I can mount is that I would have liked to see a little more effects work in the aftermath of the film's climactic violence. The act itself, though, was portrayed perfectly. (I have a couple additional minor quibbles, but they amount to nothing more than nitpicks.)
Why don't you take a few minutes to watch "Preto Branco" right now? I've embedded it below for your viewing pleasure!

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