Wednesday, September 25, 2019

We're doing our part to fight climate change!

Here at Shades of Gray, we're devoted to the fight to stop climate change! Here's what we're doing...

1. We don't deal with anything in color, except for the obvious shades of gray, black, and white. This preserves those resources for the Future.

2. We focus on old stuff--some studies state that 99.39% of the material covered here was created before blog owner and operator and writer Steve Miller was even born. If everyone would only focus on old stuff and stop creating anything new, it would preserve those resources for other things... and possibly the Future.

3. We are extracting promises from key figures here at the blog to do their part to stop climate change. Since most of them are dead--and the only impact they have on climate change is that they keep voting for Democrats--we're off to a good start! Even so, some are stepping up and going above and beyond. Grace Bradley, for example, has vowed to ride her bike everywhere. She's even gotten herself a special bike helmet to help her get through the long rainy season here in western Washington State!

What are YOU doing to stop climate change?!


  1. Instead of traveling to movie theaters, I'm staying at home and watching old, unfairly forgotten movies online!
